Student Services
Department of Student Retention and Services
The Department of Student Retention and Services focuses on student success and ensuring a quality educational experience at University of the Potomac. Collaboratively working with students, faculty, community members, administration, and staff to create a culture that challenges students intellectually and supports them academically while enhancing their personal discovery, learning and engagement.
Student Retention and Services departments promote efforts to achieve educational equity and multiculturalism. It strives to improve retention and graduation rates of Potomac students while empowering them to develop skills that assist them in making effective career decisions and help them achieve personal and professional success.

Career Development Services (CDS)
It is never too early to think about your future, whether you are a new student or almost graduating, the time is NOW! Career Development Services has the resources you need to begin your job search journey. We offer workshops on resume development, interview skills, employment applications, and networking.
Please contact us at:

Student Advising
- International Student Advising:
- Military Students:
- Financial Aid: studentfinancialservices@ - Academic:
Personal Counseling: University of the Potomac does not offer personal or psychological counseling. Students who express a need for such services are referred to appropriate community resources through Student Services. Contact Student Services at
Academic Integrity and Ethics
The goal of the Academic Integrity and Ethics Policy is to define what constitutes appropriate research and reporting methodologies in the academic community and to provide assurance that each student is able to work in an atmosphere free of intellectual dishonesty. Breaches of the Academic Integrity and Ethics Policy are considered serious violations of trust and may result in censure, course failure and/or dismissal from the University. For complete policy, please review the Course Catalog
Campus Security Policy and Student Right-to-Know
Any person who experiences an incident on campus or who is aware of an incident that has occurred is strongly encouraged to submit a report to the Student Services. The report can be submitted via email to . Students can also request an appointment to talk to someone about an incident.
Campus Security Policy and Student Right-to-Know University of the Potomac is committed to providing a safe environment in which students can learn and staff can work. Check out UTOP Annual Campus Security Report.
About The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was enacted on November 12, 1999. In addition to reforming the services industry with respect to financial transactions, the Act addressed concerns relating to consumer financial privacy and data security. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act required the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and other government agencies that regulate financial institutions to implement regulations to carry out the Act’s financial privacy provisions (GLB Act). It requires “financial institutions” to take steps to protect customers’ nonpublic personal information. Click on the link for more information about the Act at the FTC website.
FTC safeguards rule Gramm-Leach-Bliley
University of the Potomac Security of Student information Policy