skills you needMany of our college students work in addition to choosing us to further their education.  The image other people see of you at work is based on your image.  The image you portray will grant you a promotion or hold you back.  If you want to change your professional image, start with the following.  You can always contact us for more information.

Body Language

It’s a challenge to improve unspoken language.  You are used to doing certain movements, sitting a certain way or using editing software to make photos presentable on social media.  Your body language at home or with friends will not work in the workforce.  These people don’t know you like your family and friends do.  Hunching forward, crossing your arms and bowing your head when someone is speaking presents a bad message.  Sitting straight, giving eye contact and arms away from the body are good impressions.  Facial expressions need tweaking also.  Don’t frown your face.  Remain relaxed and poised.


Office and legal jobs need to wear crisp and clean suits or button shirts and dress pants/skirts.  Uniforms or jobs that require certain colors may not need to pick clothes, but the clothes chosen must be clean.  Creative jobs are more lax, so focus on what’s in your closet to determine what pieces present a professional vibe.  Jeans and a t-shirt isn’t professional at any job.  It’s best to talk to your boss about the dress code.

Face / Hairstyle

The way you present yourself above the neck is just as important as the clothes.  Brush your teeth and wash your face.  Clean, comb and style your hair.  Remove body piercings and wash out highlighted hair.


Being on time, every time is always a good impression.  Never keep someone waiting.  Make it a habit to be on time by being on time for health appointments, meetings, parties and graduation so it won’t become a chore.  In addition, never be the first to leave.  Ask participants questions about the discussion.  Help them clean up.

In person or on skype, first impressions always count.  Skills you need in 21st century isn’t enough if your image doesn’t match.

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