While you are studying in college, your focus will also need to be on the career you will have after you graduate. In order to be prepared for the job search ahead, it is important to utilize the career services that are available to students and alumni in most colleges and universities. Once you have done that, you will be better prepared for the future.
Resume Preparation and Review
Your resume is what can make or break a company’s first impression of you. For international students, the common resume format for businesses in the United States does not always resemble the international CV format. For that reason, it is important to take time to prepare your resume. Once you have put all of your information onto the resume, you can have it reviewed so you will know what is working and what you will need to change to make the most impact on potential employers.
Interview Practice
If your resume gets you in the door, then the interview is where you can really shine. However, many college students are not well prepared for their first few job interviews. Having a person to practice interview questions with can be a great asset. Not only will you become more familiar with the format of a typical job interview, but your practice interviewer can point out where your speech or your body language is working against you.
Looking Beyond Your Education
Once your education is complete, you will be entering the workforce. Depending on what your major was and what other qualifications you have earned, you will either find a booming job market or one that may be difficult to break in to. Finding jobs leads can be a lot easier with university career services. They can provide you with information on networking events or alumni career events that can put you in touch with the right people.
If you are interested in learning more about what career services can offer you, contact us.
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