A successful job interview makes or breaks the likelihood of a candidate landing a job. While interviews may seem intimidating and nerve-wracking, these interview skills and tips can help put your mind and ease, and leave a positive example for your potential future employer that may just set you aside from the rest of the candidates.
Tip #1: Be Prepared – and prepare for the interview in advance.While it may surprise some job-seekers, interviews are not as simple as walking into a room, smiling, shaking hands and answering questions. It may have worked in the past, but in today’s job market, potential employers are looking for candidates who demonstrate initiative and show that they’re actively interested in the position – and it’s not just another stop on a list. Before walking into the office, spend some time researching the company on the internet. Get a field for what the do, what their company mission statement is, and get a feel for the company culture. All companies are different, and getting an idea of their goals prior to ever walking into the building shows that you’re interested, and you’re willing to do your homework to better prepare you for the interview process.
Tip #2: Ask Your Own Questions:A lot of job candidates mistakenly think that it’s the job of the interviewer to ask all of the questions and judge a candidate solely based on their answers. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. Candidates are expected to come with a list of their own questions in advance – about the company, about the position, and anything else that strikes their interest. This goes hand-in-hand with being prepared for the interview process itself, but it’s a separate and important part of the process in its own right. Additional questions may come up throughout the interview process. Feel free to ask them as well. DON’T, however, ask about money – especially in a first interview.
Tip #3: Be AppreciativeWith the job market being iffy, job-seekers may have to go on dozens of interviews before receiving a job offer. Understandably, the interview process can become tedious, especially if all of the questions have a similar feel to them. Keep in mind, however, that the company that you’re interviewing with picked you out of a pool of qualified candidates to move the process to the next level, and demonstrating appreciation for their time and effort can go a long way towards making a good impression. Whether or not you end up getting the job, the fact that the interviewer was willing to sit down, take time out of their often busy schedule to discuss options with you means a lot. Try not to be discouraged – at least at the interview itself. Keep positive, upbeat and engaged, and your interview is much more likely to be seen as successful after the fact.
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There are dozens of tips and tricks that job candidates can use to improve their interview skills and land a job that they’re excited to have. These three tips are important steps of the process, and can help you to feel more comfortable throughout the process itself. If you have any questions, and would like to receive additional help, please feel free to contact us and see what help we can offer you throughout what is often a stressful and difficult process.