Most people are familiar with the term etiquette and what it carries. From a young age, we are taught to behave properly and have good manners. Now, with many parts of our lives moving online, including even education, a need has arisen for a set of specific online etiquette guidelines that apply to cyber behavior.
Netiquette rules dictate what tasteful and respectful online behavior is. How to speak respectfully without taking part in disrespect or bullying is among the main reasons why we need netiquette guidelines.
These rules tend to change over time due to the changing nature of the online space. For online students, all of the communication takes place online which is why these rules are especially important to them. Here are a few ground netiquette rules online students should know.

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Why Is Online Etiquette Important?
More and more classes are online nowadays, so it is important for participants to have an understanding of the rules of online etiquette. These rules help to keep discussions focused, on track, and respectful.
Without online etiquette rules, debates and conversations can quickly disintegrate into misunderstanding, and rude language and behavior, which destroys the chance of smooth communication and maintaining healthy relationships.
14 Netiquette Rules Online Students Should Know
Here is a list of netiquette rules online students should know:
1. Be careful with your tone
The tone is one of the first netiquette rules online students should know. While an online conversation with friends doesn’t necessarily require much thought, the same doesn’t go for when you are having a conversation with professors.
You should be careful with capitalization, as writing in ALL-CAPS can oftentimes be interpreted as YELLING! and will be viewed as impolite. Similarly, a joke can oftentimes be perceived as a rude remark. This is why you have to make sure that your point doesn’t get lost in translation.
Apart from texting, students are advised to be aware of their tone in online classes that use audio or video forms. However, this is where the rules of general etiquette apply more. For instance, not talking over someone, listening carefully, actively participating in class, etc.
2. Be accurate and factual
The internet is a vast place with information coming from all sorts of sources. This is why you should be careful when providing information. It’s important to do the research, fact-check everything you read and possibly include sources when giving advice or information.
When getting your degree online, you should be careful to include credible sources in all your papers and when you help your classmates with the class. Likewise, you should be cautious about what you choose to believe on the internet and what you share with others. For instance, if you’re unsure how to go about it, stick to official sites that are known for credibility.
3. Search first, then ask
If you get stuck with a question on a certain assignment, it’s better to research on your own before you ask your classmates or the professor. It’s possible that you might find your answer fast, and there will be no need to include third parties.
The same goes for questions regarding class structure. You may find your answers in the syllabus or the university website. Of course, if you fail to find your answer after some time spent searching, you should turn to your professors or peers for help.
4. Don’t use sarcasm freely
While in person, we communicate with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Conveying the same message online can prove more challenging. This is especially true when it comes to sarcastic humor, as it usually isn’t possible to transmit the tone of voice when using text.
A light-hearted joke can be viewed differently in the text. You will need to be careful about making the intent behind your words as clear as possible, which is why sarcasm is off-limits most times.
But many people love jokes (including many of our professors), so just make sure that it is clear that you are being funny, and not rude.
5. Be as polite as you are in person
Being polite on the internet should be as common as in real life. Unfortunately, that is not the case in many situations. A significant number of people tend to use the internet as a cover and their display as a shield, which leads to them writing what they would never say in public.
A key part of netiquette is only typing what you would be comfortable with saying to someone’s face. Hence being respectful and polite to others should be part of your communications online.
And remember, if you wouldn’t say it to someone’s face, don’t say it online either.
6. Use proper grammar and punctuation
Many people tend to forget the rules that apply to writing when communicating online. However, resorting to proper grammar and punctuation can make the message seem more professional and thought out. Not only does it make your text more readable, but it can also prepare you for professional writing that you might do in the future.
Think about what you would like to read yourself. It should be easy to read and comprehensible. That way, you will save precious time for someone reading your email, message, comment, or post.
So, remember to keep your written communication formal and professional, and save shortcuts and textspeak for ur friends.
7. Stay on topic
When there is a discussion happening, it’s crucial that everyone stays on topic. It’s easy to stray off the initial conversation, especially when there are many people participating in it. Filling the conversation with unnecessary information can lose precious time, and make it hard for someone to understand what the discussion is really about.
So, make sure that you understand what the discussion is about and only reply with things relevant to it. This can prove helpful to both you and the others.
8. Remember that nothing is private online
Online privacy is something you should keep in mind when typing anything. Most things you post and share are probably going to be there for a long time. This means that you should stay away from anything considered inappropriate and rude.
And never forward personal emails or photos without the permission of those involved in the communication. Be careful when sharing information, and never share anything about a student or a professor without their consent.
Remember that we live in a day and age where many things take place online, and building an online presence is just as important as the real-life one. That being said, there is no ‘real privacy’ on the internet, and you should handle what you share wisely.
9. Make clear and brief points
Unlike face-to-face interactions, taking too long to get to a point can result in the message getting lost in the text. Hence it is best to use short and clear sentences when trying to explain something. It gets the point across more effectively and leaves less room for misunderstandings.
Don’t let your point get lost in translation by typing too many unnecessary words. However, make sure that all the information you want to present is still there.
10. Respect people’s privacy
Treat others’ privacy the same way you would want some to handle your private information. You shouldn’t give the personal information of your classmates and professors online to anyone.
This means being careful with passwords, whereabouts, private conversations, and pictures. The same goes for both your and others’ information, as it can be dangerous to distribute any of it without caution.
11. Use your professors’ proper titles
Although using the proper title for your professor should be understood, many people tend to forget it once classes are online. As a result, a certain amount of formality is a vital part of netiquette guidelines for students. Unless, the professor states otherwise, you should always refer to them professionally.
Apart from using their proper title, you should always be careful to be respectful towards them in all forms of online communication. You should act the same as you would in a traditional classroom.
12. Respect others’ opinions
You should be aware that you’re not always going to agree with the opinions of your classmates or professors. However, keep in mind that you should always be respectful in discussions. You can disagree with someone and respect their opinions at the same time.
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Although online learning carries a level of anonymity and distance that traditional classes don’t, that shouldn’t serve as a reason to not be kind to someone. Remember that an online classroom is still a classroom.
So, respect others’ views and refrain from belittling opinions that are different from yours. You can disagree or discuss with someone, of course, but be sensitive and do that respectfully.
13. Don’t overuse the chat box
Many online classes come with chat boxes to help students communicate. They serve as a way of letting students communicate with each other and ask questions related to what they are learning. However, if not used carefully they can turn into a distraction box.
You should know to only use the chatbox when your text is going to be relevant to the topic you’re discussing in class. It’s not advisable to use it as a tool for chatting with fellow students about irrelevant matters.
So instead, use the chat box to ask relevant questions, participate in discussions, or answer when the professor asks.
14. Submit assignments carefully
Being mindful of how to submit online assignments to professors should be something every student knows how to do. Since there is no face-to-face interaction, if you fail to put your name on it or mess up the subject line, your assignment can easily be lost in a pile of emails.
Another thing to be careful with when submitting assignments online is attachments. You shouldn’t attach files for which you are not sure if the other person will be able to open. Additionally, you should follow specific instructions your professor gives about assignments.
The Bottom Line
The online community has its own set of rules that are referred to as netiquette. There are many things that online students should keep in mind, such as tone of voice, accuracy, proper grammar, privacy, etc. Being familiar with the unwritten rules of the internet and guidelines for interacting online can prove helpful with any online communication you have. For the most part, you should remember to be respectful and fact-check your information.
By understanding and following these netiquette rules online students should know, they can foster a positive and inclusive online community that enhances their overall learning experience.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is netiquette?
Netiquette refers to the etiquette or code of conduct that governs online communication. It includes rules and guidelines for respectful and effective communication in digital environments.
Why is netiquette important for online students?
Netiquette is crucial because it helps maintain a positive and productive online learning environment. It ensures respectful communication among students, instructors, and other participants, fostering a conducive atmosphere for learning and collaboration.
What are some basic netiquette rules online students should know?
- Use proper grammar and spelling in your communications.
- Respect others’ opinions and viewpoints, even if you disagree.
- Avoid using all caps (which can be perceived as shouting) and excessive emoticons.
- Be mindful of cultural differences and sensitivities in your interactions.
How should online students communicate in discussion forums or chat rooms?
- Stay on topic and contribute meaningfully to discussions.
- Avoid dominating the conversation; allow others to participate.
- Use clear subject lines or headings to organize your posts.
- Acknowledge and respond to others’ contributions respectfully.
What should online students consider when emailing instructors or peers?
- Use a clear and concise subject line that summarizes the email’s purpose.
- Address the recipient appropriately (e.g., use “Dear Professor Smith” or “Hi John” as appropriate).
- Be polite and professional in your tone and language.
- Proofread your email before sending to avoid errors.
How can online students handle disagreements or conflicts in online discussions?
- Approach disagreements with respect and an open mind.
- Focus on addressing the issue rather than attacking the person.
- Use constructive language and provide evidence to support your viewpoint.
- If needed, involve the instructor or moderator to mediate the discussion.
Are there specific rules for using social media or other collaborative platforms in an educational context?
- Review and adhere to any guidelines provided by the instructor or institution regarding social media use.
- Respect privacy and confidentiality when sharing information or discussing classmates or instructors.
- Be mindful of the permanence of online posts and comments; think before you post.
How can online students contribute positively to group projects or collaborative assignments?
- Communicate regularly and promptly with group members.
- Clarify roles and responsibilities at the outset and adhere to deadlines.
- Offer constructive feedback and support to your teammates.
- Resolve conflicts respectfully and seek help from the instructor if needed.
What should online students do if they encounter inappropriate behavior or violations of netiquette?
- Report any incidents of harassment, bullying, or inappropriate behavior to the instructor or designated authority.
- Avoid responding in kind to negative behavior; instead, focus on maintaining professionalism.
- Support a safe and inclusive learning environment by advocating for respectful communication.
Where can online students find additional resources or guidelines on netiquette?
- Check your institution’s student handbook or online learning platform for specific netiquette guidelines.
- Explore reputable websites or articles that offer tips and best practices for online communication.
- Engage in discussions with classmates and instructors to learn from their experiences and perspectives on netiquette.